« Louisa Babari is a Russo-Algerian artist living in Paris. She has a Higher Diploma in Russian from the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilization, Russian Studies and Cinema as well as a Diploma from the Institute of Political Studies of Paris, International section. »
Born in Moscow to a Russian mother and an Algerian father, Louisa Babari grew up in Algiers and Moscow. AŌer graduaƟng from the renowned social studies « InsƟtut d’Etudes PoliƟques » in Paris and a course in Contemporary Studies, Russian Language and Film at Paris’ University for Oriental Studies, she debuted her career first at ARTE’s ficƟon department before turning to independent projects. She traveled in the former USSR developing scripts and texts for experimental cinema. She started her own producƟon hub in which she wrote and made experimental films. Her work as an arƟst led her to design films, photography sound installaƟons and graphic works that invest stories, mainly determined by the historical and ideological changes in the former socialist countries. She creates discursive and immersive spaces that quesƟon the place and the role of the archive, the experience of images, their resurgence and their renewal. Decentering processes, exploring her own family archives, issues related to architecture, language, literariness, wriƟng and translaƟon, are in the heart of her arƟsƟc pracƟces. In 2014, her work gave rise to a publicaƟon, AestheƟcs of the antrum, edited by Alberto Garcia Alix for the Madrid publishing house, Cabeza de chorlito. She contributed from 2013 to 2016 to the development of Afrikadaa, the first pan-African and French interacƟve magazine dedicated to contemporary art for which she wrote essays and produced events and performances.
Since 2015, her work has been researching transformaƟons related to architecture and the history of buildings. She contributes to the producƟon of a film on the link between architecture and innovaƟve educaƟonal resources of the first integrated Parisian complex, jewels of modern architecture of the twenƟeth century. (Open-air school Saint-Merri, Le Corbusier’s heirs architects Roux and Lombard, project owner: Renzo Piano).
In Vietnam central region, she carries out a series of photographs on the habitat modificaƟons of village populaƟons. She is also conducƟng a research and a photographic project on the transformaƟon of urban architectural spaces in Algerian major ciƟes and heritage sites on the theme of superimposiƟons of architectural Ɵmes and forms of building.
In 2018, she creates Voix Publiques a sound installaƟon and a program of pan-African poetry whose goal is to highlight the African poeƟc producƟon of the conƟnent and its diaspora.
Her works has been shown in Center Georges Pompidou, Mac Val museum, Kadist FoundaƟon, David Roberts Art FoundaƟon, Museum of quai Branly, the Museum of the CivilizaƟons of Europe and the Mediterranean, the Dakar Biennale.
Louisa Babari lives in Paris and works in France and in Algeria.